’90 Day Fiance’ Liz Devastated, Begs Big Ed For Reconciliation — But He SHUTS HER DOWN Cold!

RECAP: '90 Day Fiance' Liz Woods

RECAP: ’90 Day Fiance’ Liz Devastated, Begs Big Ed For Reconciliation — But He SHUTS HER DOWN Cold!

In a recent episode of 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After?, Liz Woods expressed her desire to continue her relationship with Ed Brown, despite him abruptly canceling their wedding without informing her.

The couple encountered each other for the first time since Ed unilaterally decided to call off their nuptials, leaving Liz in tears. Despite her emotional plea, Ed was resolute, stating he had no interest in continuing their relationship.

RECAP: '90 Day Fiance' Liz Woods

Ed has a history of ending things with Liz, often through text messages, but this time he declared it was definitively over. The couple had moved to Arkansas to be closer to his family, but a disagreement over a taco pasta dish Ed made — which was too spicy for Liz’s daughter, Riley — escalated in front of his family. Ed described this as the final straw, admitting he could no longer lie to himself about being happy or wanting to marry Liz. He ended their engagement, leaving Liz to find out through a call from their would-be officiant. During their meet-up at a café, Ed confessed he had been looking for an excuse to end things.

RECAP: '90 Day Fiance' Liz Woods

Despite the turmoil, Liz remained committed, stating, “Being in a committed relationship, you stick through the hard times 100 percent. So I don’t want to give up, I want to be with Ed. I have absolutely no idea what I would do next if this is the end and that scares me.”

RECAP: '90 Day Fiance' Liz Woods

In an emotionally charged exchange, Liz conveyed her sense of loss to Ed, lamenting, “No, you’re a better person out here and I’m losing that. I helped create that, stuck with you through everything. I hate thinking about you with someone else.” Ed, visibly moved and shedding a tear, maintained during an awkward interview with producers — with Liz sitting beside him — that ending their relationship was the necessary choice for his personal happiness.

“I wanted to stop lying to myself that I was happy,” Ed confessed. “This had more to do with me than anybody else. I just felt myself falling out of love with Liz. You know, as hard as it is on Liz, I wanted to take the least painful approach and this definitely wasn’t the least painful way.” Liz, clearly hurt by the manner in which things unfolded, echoed his sentiment, affirming, “This definitely wasn’t the least painful way.”

Ed Brown

As Ed and Liz navigate the end of their relationship while still sharing their living space, Ed expressed his desire to assist Liz and her daughter in making future plans and to remain “cordial” during the remaining time on their lease.

“I want you to be happy,” he told her. “You’re a lot younger than I am. You have your whole life ahead of you. If you ever meet anybody like me, just run.” However, Liz, overwhelmed by emotions, wasn’t receptive to his attempts at humor, tearfully responding, “I don’t want to meet anybody else.”

RECAP: '90 Day Fiance' Liz Woods

Speaking to the cameras, Liz shared her profound sense of loss and betrayal, “I went from about to be getting married to single and completely alone. I think it’s really shi**y to give three years of yourself to someone and have it end like this.” She reflected on the promises and commitments that were made,

“He really made me feel that no matter how hard things got out here, we would always work through it. And knowing everything that I gave up, I think the hardest part is just having to start over. I don’t have any choice but to walk away.”


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