’90 Day Fiancé’ Mahmoud In TEARS After Nicole Attacks Him Again!

Nicole and Mahmoud Sherbiny

RECAP: ’90 Day Fiancé’ Mahmoud In TEARS After Nicole Attacks Him Again!

In this week’s riveting episode of 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After?, things hit an all-time low for Nicole and Mahmoud Sherbiny.

Nicole and Mahmoud Sherbiny

The drama reached its boiling point as Nicole frantically searched the streets of Los Angeles for Mahmoud after he stormed off during a heated argument. With Mahmoud in tears and tensions running high, Nicole convinced him to return to her apartment – but the drama was far from over.

Nicole and Mahmoud Sherbiny

This season has been a rollercoaster for the couple since Mahmoud’s move to the US. His discomfort in his new surroundings, coupled with his disapproval of Nicole’s lifestyle, has led to one explosive confrontation after another. Sunday’s episode saw Mahmoud refusing to communicate, expressing a desire for divorce, and storming off, leaving Nicole in a state of panic.

Nicole’s determination to find Mahmoud, despite their tumultuous relationship, showcased her commitment to their marriage. “He’s still my husband, and I’m responsible for him,” she confessed. “If the tables were turned, he would be combing the streets looking for me.”

Cue the dramatic music as Nicole finally located Mahmoud, suitcase in tow, wandering the streets. Their argument continued in the car, with Mahmoud expressing confusion over Nicole’s sudden change of heart after attempting to kick him out earlier.

With tensions still simmering, it’s clear that this couple’s journey is far from over. Tune in next week for more drama, tears, and unexpected twists on 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After?

Nicole and Mahmoud Sherbiny

Amidst tears and heartache, Mahmoud opened up about his conflicted feelings, admitting:

“She just, like, showed me, like, she still cares about me and I get so surprised about that.” Wrestling with his emotions, he confessed, “If I stay, I’m hurt, like feel sad, but of course I still love her. This is why, like, I want to give myself time and think clear.”

Nicole and Mahmoud Sherbiny

In a tense moment in the parking lot, Nicole confronted Mahmoud, urging him to confront his tendency to run away and clarify his intentions. Overwhelmed, Mahmoud broke down, revealing:

“The last few days I felt like I’m so tired and and I felt hurt.” Despite the turmoil, he acknowledged Nicole’s support, stating, “Nicole acts like, so different person here in America, but she’s still there for me and I’m still there for her. So, I don’t know what I’m going to do.”

Nicole and Mahmoud Sherbiny

For Nicole, Mahmoud’s emotional breakthrough offered a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos. As she reflected on the moment, she saw it as a positive turning point in their tumultuous relationship.

As Mahmoud’s emotions poured out, Nicole saw a glimmer of hope amidst their stormy relationship. “When Mahmoud starts breaking down, I feel like he’s being more honest with about his feelings for the first time since he’s gotten here,” she shared with the cameras. “And I feel like I can actually, like, reach him on an emotional level at this point. And I feel like these tears suggest that he is capable of change and of moving forward.”

Nicole and Mahmoud Sherbiny

Despite the challenges they faced, Nicole wasn’t ready to give up on their relationship. “You know, I still care about him, and I’m not ready to let go or say goodbye,” she affirmed.

Ultimately, Mahmoud agreed to stay in Nicole’s apartment, albeit with some clear boundaries set by Nicole. While she welcomed him back, she made it clear that he wouldn’t be sharing her bed and arranged a separate space for him in the living room. Additionally, she emphasized the importance of respecting her American lifestyle while also encouraging him to maintain his Muslim beliefs in the States.

Nicole and Mahmoud Sherbiny

“Just because you don’t participate in it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist,” Nicole reminded him, highlighting the cultural differences they needed to navigate together.

Amidst their tumultuous exchange, Mahmoud revealed to the cameras that he perceived Nicole’s actions as a power play, a reversal of roles from when she was in Egypt. Feeling devoid of love and respect, Mahmoud expressed his uncertainty about their future together. In response, Nicole assured him that she would give him the space he needed to make his decision, whether to stay with her in the U.S. or return to Egypt.

“I’m not going to try to bother you while I’m here,” Mahmoud reassured her, indicating his need for solitude to contemplate his next steps.

Despite the uncertainty, Mahmoud admitted that Nicole held a significant place in his heart. “She is, like, four years of my life,” he reflected. “I still love Nicole. I don’t want to make fast decision when I’m mad because if I leave, I’ll never come back.”


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