bitchy | Please enjoy these photos of Princess Kate interacting with kids at the Young V&A

Here are more photos from the Princess of Wales’s visit to the newly reopened Young V&A Museum on Wednesday. I covered the photos of Kate’s arrival, but I didn’t see these pics until late Thursday – Kate was inside the interactive museum for kids for a while, getting a lot of photo-ops with the children there. The photos… um… I guess Kate’s favorite Photoshop-happy photographer Chris Jackson wasn’t available? Yikes, maybe it’s just the lighting.

In any case, the pics remind me so much of Kate’s Chelsea Flower Show stunt, where she had “diverse” children bused in for a picnic and a photo-op and the kids were not into it at all. To be fair, there were some kids at the museum who seemed to like her and they even hugged her (ten bucks says those kids were palace plants). The other kids seemed unimpressed though. I truly have no idea why Kate doesn’t try to do more photo-ops with seniors – seniors enjoy Kate’s whole deal and they think she’s cute. Children are not into it.

Meanwhile, I wanted to drop this little Ephraim Hardcastle blurb in somewhere – while it’s likely that Kate and William will eventually send Prince George to Eton, what are they thinking about for Charlotte’s education?

With Prince George apparently soon to be measured for his Eton top hat and every likelihood brother Louis will follow suit, whither Princess Charlotte? My source whispers that Windsor-based Kate and William would like to keep Charlotte close to home and are considering St George’s School, opposite Ascot racecourse. She could board or be a day girl. It is the alma mater of Princess Beatrice, the Duke of Gloucester’s daughters and, curiously, Winston Churchill. It was a boys’ school until 1904.

[From The Daily Mail]

Wait… didn’t Kate go to Marlborough College and isn’t that school in Berkshire? Didn’t Kate have a great time there? Why wouldn’t Kate want Charlotte to go to her alma mater? St. George’s School is all-girls, while Marlborough is co-ed. The school conversations have gotten very weird, haven’t they? I think Kate really did have a dream of sending her kids to the same school for as long as possible, but she’s no longer getting her way. Why does Charlotte have to be kept “close to home”?

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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