Emmerdale fans beg bosses to axe meddling hypocrite Victoria

Emmerdale viewers are begging bosses to axe a meddling character. Fans have hit out at Victoria Sugden and her sudden interest in Wendy Posner and her affair.

Viewers know Wendy is having a passionate affair with Dr Liam Cavanagh. However Victoria recently cottoned on to what was happening and confronted Wendy.

Victoria has become an annoyance to Emmerdale fans for her busybody antics (Credit: ITV)

She had spotted Wendy’s coat in Liam’s house and heard banging upstairs. And then she decided it was her place to take Wendy to task about her affair.

But Victoria’s busybody attitude and ultimatum for Wendy has left fans utterly furious. Some even called for her to be axed.

One said: “Victoria needs to keep her nose out and leave the village. She’s boring and nosy. Get rid!!” A second said: “Victoria needs to mind her own business!”

Emmerdale fans slam Victoria Sugden for becoming a busybody

Another fumed: “What business is it of Victoria’s what the [expletive] Wendy does with who and where, meddling cow.” A fourth raged: “Here we go Victoria sticking her neb in again!! Keep ya nose out ya busy body and go look after the child you never seem to have.”

“Wendy hasn’t got to explain herself to Victoria. Victoria is a nosey cow.” Another asked: “Has Victoria become some sort of marriage counsellor or something?”

Later Victoria issued a threat to Liam about Wendy. She confronted him in the village and told him how she knows all about his goings on with the nurse.

Will Liam and Wendy heed to Victoria’s demands to call off their affair in Emmerdale? (Credit: ITV)

As Liam began to panic, Victoria issued her own ultimatum. She warned him to stay away from Wendy and end the affair… or else.

But it was her thinly-veiled threats towards two adults – decades her senior that rankled with fans still. Especially with Victoria’s past choices of relationships with the likes of David Metcalfe.

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One annoyed viewer said: “Vapid Victoria keep your nose out, talking to the Doc like that!” But will Emmerdale fans get their wish and will Victoria leave?

Or will Wendy and Liam end their affair and do as they are instructed by the chef? Seems unlikely!

Emmerdale usually airs weeknights at 7.30pm on ITV, with an hour-long episode on Thursdays.

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