Full Moon in Capricorn Will Affect Every Zodiac Sign 2023 – StyleCaster

There’s a full moon upon us and a magical culmination is brewing. In addition to its ancient mystery and divine feminine frequency, the cycles of mother moon are equally as illuminating as they are transformative. What have you been manifesting? How has summer been treating you thus far? Before we discuss how the full moon in Capricorn of July 2023 will affect each zodiac sign, it’s important to consider the new moon that occurred via this cardinal earth sign back in December 2022. If the structure of your personal and professional life has changed since, know that you’re on the right track.

Remember, the moon is symbolic of our innermost feelings, emotional foundation and sense of security. If the sun is who we are during the day, the moon is who we are when no one is around. This is one of the many reasons why tuning into the lunar cycle can be so rewarding, as it not only validates your intuition but also brings awareness to your personal progress. With all of that being said, the full moon phase marks a time of completion, celebration and fruition. This is when the sun (our ego and physical identity) sits in direct opposition to the moon (our emotions and unconscious mind) which, in turn, serves as a call for balance between the vibration we portray externally vs. that which we embody internally. The moon’s gravitational pull has the power to generate tidal forces, but it also pulls the emotional tides within and all around us. And though the mere thought of the full moon climax can be intimidating, it brings immense growth and timely liberation.

The Full Moon Astrology, Explained
Photo: Getty Images.

This month’s full moon will rise on July 3 at exactly 7:38 a.m. ET, and via 11 degrees of Saturn-ruled Capricorn. Also known as the “Buck Moon,” this lunation will be closer to Earth—and almost 7 percent larger than others—as it is considered one of the four supermoons of 2023. The “Buck Moon” name stems from the male deer’s antlers (bucks) as they are in full-growth at this time of year. Astrologically, the archetype of Capricorn is symbolic of the foundation that allows us to solidify our life purpose. What do you want your legacy to be about? What would you tell the world upon reaching the top of the mountain? In addition to looking back at the new moon in Capricorn that took place in December 2022, check where this cardinal earth sign comes to life in your birth chart. This is the area of life where you’re experiencing a full circle moment. In the meantime, reflect on Capricorn themes such as career, legacy, discipline and your sense of authority.

The full moon in Capricorn takes place on July 3 at 7:38 a.m. ET.

July’s full moon marks the half-way point of the calendar year… and if you really think about it, this “check in” from Father Time (Saturn) goes hand in hand with the essence of Capricorn. For instance, on top of whatever might be coming to fruition for you, this is an opportunity for you to also check in with yourself, specifically when it comes to personal and professional progress. What have you been working on? What goals have you recently committed to? Are you doing everything that it takes to succeed in this arena? Capricorn doesn’t beat around the bush, and its energy teaches us how to be realistic and grounded in our reality. More importantly, with both the sun and Mercury transiting Cancer, there is greater emphasis on the way we’re emotionally perceiving and approaching these endeavors. After all, Capricorn speaks to the foundation of our life’s structure, but Cancer is how we feel when we get home after a long day at work.

It’s time to step into our sense of authority without hesitation. This lunation is encouraging us to discern between what is safe and reassuring vs. the structures and/or systems that no longer serve our highest good. Although, with Saturn retrograde in Pisces—the ruler of this lunation—we are also becoming more aware of the ways we unconsciously self-sabotage, and/or the areas where we lack firm boundaries. Fortunately, with the help of the Greater Benefic (Jupiter), we are being celestially supported and validated when it comes to our actions moving forward.

If your sun sign, moon sign or rising sign falls under any of the following zodiac signs, the upcoming full moon will be inspiring and rewarding. Here’s why:

How the Full Moon Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign

StyleCaster | Aries 2023 Horoscope
Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


It’s time to take a stand, even if that means having to leave an old version of yourself behind. With the moon glimmering through the most public point in your birth chart, everything from your professional life to your sense of authority is being highlighted. More importantly, with the moon’s ruler, Saturn retrograde, transiting your 12th house of surrender and closure, there’s a need for you to take a step back and make peace with what you can’t control. The sun and Mercury are also cozying up in your fourth house of home, family and emotions, reminding you to lean on the support of your loved ones. Instead of focusing on what you “lack” or have recently lost, reflect and celebrate on what you’ve accomplished. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

StyleCaster | Taurus 2023 Horoscope
Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


We all have to start somewhere, right? July’s full moon is not only bringing awareness to the path that lies ahead, but also the place where it all began. Luna will charge up your expansive ninth house of adventure, higher learning and self-discovery, which means that many of you will likely celebrate the ending of a chapter, or perhaps acknowledge a new-found philosophy of sorts. Keep in mind, both the sun and Mercury are sitting alongside one another in Cancer, via your third house of communication, siblings and immediate surroundings. Have you openly discussed future plans with your peers? Your intuition is at an all-time high so follow your inner voice, especially those of you contemplating a leap of faith. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


This full moon is especially prominent for you, as it will activate your eighth house of intimate unions, personal exchanges, and other sources of income. Given that the moon will peak in the disciplined sign of Capricorn, your full-circle moment could have to do with themes of giving and receiving. Although, with the moon’s ruler (Saturn retrograde in Pisces) hunkering down on your bossy 10th house of career, this could very well revolve around your sense of authority in the workplace. What would be your ideal “structure” moving forward? Are you open and willing to nurture these commitments in the long-run? With the sun and your celestial ruler, Mercury, in Cancer (your second house of finances) there could be an important contract and/or conversation in the works. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

StyleCaster | Cancer 2023 Horoscope
Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


Themes of “me vs. we” are inevitable under July’s full moon in Capricorn, as it will activate your committed seventh house of agreements, compromise, negotiations and significant others. More importantly, with the sun and Mercury hovering over your sign, there is greater emphasis on the dynamic of your conversations, specifically those that revolve around your innermost feelings. Moreover, the ruler of this lunation (Saturn retrograde) is currently transiting your ninth house of belief systems and long term pursuits, so chances are this “pow wow” will be an important one. In the meantime, reflect on whether these partnerships or contractual agreements genuinely align with your true North. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

StyleCaster | Leo 2023 Horoscope
Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


Everything from your well being to your day-to-day due diligence takes precedence under this month’s full moon. For instance, the moon will touch down on your sixth house of responsibility, daily duties and acts of service, but all while sitting across from Mercury and your planetary ruler, the sun. Hovering over your 12th house of privacy and unconscious patterns, you’re being called to reflect on the dynamic of your life behind the scenes, as well as your motives when in regards to your day-to-day affairs. After all, with Saturn retrograde (ruler of this lunation) transiting your eighth house of shared resources, you could be in the process of reassessing the value of your sacrifices and commitments. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

StyleCaster | Virgo 2023 Horoscope
Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


Hold space for your accolades and accomplishments, because they’re definitely worth celebrating. This is especially true with the moon peaking in Capricorn, and your fifth house of recognition, authenticity and self-expression. Keep in mind, this area of your chart can also speak to your creativity and talents, so some of you might be in the process of mastering a unique craft. Moreover, with the sun and Mercury in Cancer—via your 11th house of community affairs and future aspirations—it’s important to reflect on whether or not you’re surrounding yourself with the right group of people. This makes sense with Saturn retrograde (ruler of this lunation) transiting your relationship sector, as you are being encouraged to set firm boundaries with others. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

StyleCaster | Libra 2023 Horoscope
Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


Home is where the heart is, but even that takes work! The full moon will illuminate your domestic fourth house of home, family and emotional foundations, bringing awareness to everything from your innermost feelings to the foundation of your family unit. What traditions and structures are you no longer resonating with? Given that the sun and Mercury will simultaneously transit your 10th house of superiors, this could involve a parental figure if not your sense of authority in general. Although, with Saturn retrograde (ruler of this lunation) in your sixth house of due diligence and acts of service, one thing’s for sure: you’re in the process of restructuring your day-to-day affairs, and asserting yourself when it comes to your personal boundaries. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

StyleCaster | Scorpio 2023 Horoscope
Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


Have you been communicating with honesty and integrity? This is especially significant to consider with the full moon touching down on your third house of immediate exchanges and daily miscellanies, especially via a disciplined and structured sign like Capricorn. In other words, it’s one thing to agree to something and another to keep your word. Whether personally or professionally, it also doesn’t hurt to reflect on what was top of mind for you back in December 2022, as you are experiencing a full-circle moment in this area of life. And with the ruler of this lunation (Saturn retrograde) hovering over your fifth house of musings, recognition and self-expression, many of you are also giving a lot of thought to themes surrounding your personal branding. Mercury and the sun in Cancer, however, want you to remain true to yourself in the process. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

StyleCaster | Sagittarius 2023 Horoscope
Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


What makes you feel secure? Are you working towards a financial goal? July’s full moon will ignite your second house of values, finances and your sense of security, but there’s more. The sun and Mercury (ruler of your relationship sector) will be hovering over your eighth house of intimate unions, and shared resources. It’s not always easy to address sensitive topics, especially when it comes to your finances and creature comforts. These themes are quite personal, but with Saturn retrograde (ruler of this lunation) transiting your fourth house of home and emotional foundations, it’s important to address what’s been unconsciously blocking and inhibiting you from moving forward. Toxic family dynamics can be surrendered. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

StyleCaster | Capricorn 2023 Horoscope
Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


Look up at the moon, and make a wish! The moon will reach its peak of fullness in your sign, and all while sitting in direct opposition to the sun and Mercury in Cancer, via your committed seventh house of agreements, compromise and significant others. This means, despite the emphasis and focus hovering over your partnerships, you’re being called to honor your sense of authority and perhaps even communicate this truth with a significant other. This is a call for balance indeed, especially when it comes to themes of “me vs. we”. And with your planetary ruler (Saturn retrograde) getting down to business in your third house, it’s no wonder everything from the relationship(s) you share with your siblings to your communication style is being tested at this time. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

StyleCaster | Aquarius 2023 Horoscope
Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


There’s a time and place for everything, but July’s full moon is encouraging you to take a step back so you can check-in with your higher self. Luna will touch down on the most private sector of your chart, which is the 12th house of closure, dreams and unconscious patterns. This house resembles themes of surrender as well as coping mechanisms. And with the sun and Mercury shaking up your sixth house of work routines and day-to-day due diligence, you are being reminded to lean on your peers for support, and speak up when help is needed. Have you been sacrificing your well being for the sake of staying in charge, and in control? Saturn retrograde (ruler of this lunation) is asking you to be brutally honest with yourself, and when in regards to your financial and spiritual investments. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

StyleCaster | Pisces 2023 Horoscope
Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


Some say that the people we associate with are a reflection of the person we are. And with the moon reaching its peak of fullness in Capricorn—via your 11th house of associations, community affairs and aspirations—many of you are experiencing a full-circle moment in the realm of your ideals, future visions and sense of belonging in the world. Have you been surrounding yourself with like-minded groups of individuals? The sun and Mercury in Cancer will sit directly across from the moon—via your fifth house of authenticity, creativity and self-love—which, in turn, encourages you to express yourself and remain true to your heart’s desires. The best part ? The ruler of the lunation (Saturn retrograde) is in the process of journeying through your sign, and helping you achieve the self-mastery you’ve been seeking. Are you committed to the personal and professional success you crave? Read your full monthly horoscope here.

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