‘It’s A Part Of My Life’; Chris Pine Reacts To The OC Casting Director’s Comment On His ‘Awful Skin’

Chris Pine doesn’t like people narrating his story!

The Poolman actor had bad acne growing up, which may have hampered his career. Pine auditioned for The O.C. and got rejected for having “bad skin, as revealed by the film’s director, Patrick Rush, himself.


Chris Pine reacts to Rush’s comment 

Wonder Woman appeared on the Happy Sad Confused podcast and discussed that comment. Pine expressed his dislike at Rush for making a comment about his life that was prerogative to him. “It’s a part of my life. The man didn’t have to talk about it,” he said.

In 2023, Welcome to the O.C.: The Oral History’s casting director, Patrick Rush, discussed Pine reading for the lead role, which eventually went to Ben McKenzie. 

“I hate saying this, but it’s true: Chris Pine was at the age where he was experiencing really bad skin problems. And it was at that point where it looked insurmountable,” Rush said in the book via AV Club. 


Pine reflects on his struggles with acne 

Teen years are always daunting and are surmounted by self-esteem issues and second guesses. Pine, who was an aspiring actor, had really bad breakouts, and it was not the best thing for him. 

The Princess Diaries 2 star admitted that he had “awful skin as a teenager,” so he understands why The OC, a teenage melodrama, didn’t want him to lead the film. He says in the podcast that the film was about “pretty people doing pretty things,” and he did not check that box. 

However, when he lost a role in a Fox series due to his acne, the actor felt his skin was holding him back. It’s no fun going to auditions when you have bad skin. It was one of the most traumatic points of my life, but it is my story,” he added. 

Despite all that, Pine made his mark in the film industry with his roles in Star Trek as Captain Kirk and the heartthrob Steve Trevor in Wonder Woman. He is currently starring in a film titled Poolman which he wrote, directed, and produced. 


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