Jon Gosselin Says He Can’t Contact Estranged Adult Children – Because Ex Kate ‘Owns Their Phones’!

There is a massive rift between Jon Gosselin and four of his sextuplets — and his two older twin girls, too. But is Kate the one preventing a reconciliation?!

The Jon & Kate Plus Eight alum is estranged from his 23-year-old twin daughters Mady and Cara. And Kate Gosselin‘s ex-husband is also estranged from four of the former couple’s 20-year-old sextuplets, too: AlexisLeahAaden, and Joel. He still has active relationships with the other two sextuplets, Hannah and Collin — and the two of them are estranged from their mom.

This week, Kate took to Instagram to post a very rare photo of Alexis, Leah, Aaden, and Joel. The occasion was their 20th birthday, which occurred last week. It was hard for fans to believe that the kids from the hit TLC show are all grown up now, hurtling into adulthood. But they are! Just… not with Jon around.

Related: Jon Claims Kate Would ‘Segregate’ Him From His Mom & Extended Family!

The 47-year-old divorced dad went on Brandi Glanville‘s podcast Brandi Glanville Unfiltered this week and opened up quite a bit about his non-existent relationship with three-quarters of his children. He sounded sad about it during the Wednesday podcast debut — and surprise, surprise… he also blamed Kate. Yeah. If you know literally anything about how contentious this ex-couple has been over the years, that should come as no surprise. When the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star asked Jon about the kids, he admitted:

“I don’t really talk to my twins anymore, or the other four. They [the twins] live in Manhattan, they have their own life. My other four are in North Carolina.”

Now, like we said, he does have a pretty active relationship with Hannah and Collin. He explained a bit to Brandi about what they’ve been up to, including how Hannah talks to the other kids, but Collin doesn’t have a relationship with any of them. Calling the whole thing “sibling alienation” and “parent alienation,” he said:

“Hannah comes home — she’s at college — and Collin, he works a lot. I think it’s better. I think there was a lot of alienation. There was sibling alienation, which is still going on now because the other kids, other than Hannah, don’t talk to Collin. And there’s still parent alienation because I haven’t talked to my other ones and I have no idea what their thought process is on me or what they’ve been told.”

Then he candidly admitted that he feels he’s completely iced out from the lives of the four sextuplets who have grown closer to Kate:

“It’s so hard… and I have no cell phones and no contact. But Hannah talks to them.”


Brandi theorized that maybe Kate was the one behind the family fracture — by blocking Jon’s number on the kids’ phones! The reality TV star-slash-podcast host queried:

“She probably blocked your number from their phones.”

But Jon took it a step further than that even!! The spurned dad very firmly replied:

“She owns their phones.”


FWIW, this is not the first time that Jon has admitted to being in a years-long dead zone with six of the eight kids. Speaking about it last summer, he said:

“I haven’t talked to Mady and Cara for, oh I don’t even know, over a decade. And then I haven’t talked to Joel, Aaden, Leah and Alexis for five years. At this point, they’re adults now. So, I mean, I don’t even know their phone numbers or stuff.”

So, that nearly year-old comment would seem to track with what Jon told Brandi on her podcast on Wednesday. The remark about how Kate supposedly “owns their phones” is a new one, though. After all, the young Gosselins are all adults now! Does momma really have control over the phones still?!?!

What do U think, Perezcious readers? Is Jon onto something with Kate being controlling even after the brood has transitioned into adulthood? Or is Jon just mad and lashing out at his ex… again?! After all, more kids seem to be on her side than not! Sound OFF with your reactions in the comments (below)…

[Image via KTLA/YouTube/ET/YouTube/Kate Gosselin/Instagram]

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