Lisa and Lenny Hochstein’s Feud Heats Up Over Household Items!

Lisa Hochstein

Lisa and Lenny Hochstein’s Feud Heats Up Over Household Items!

The ongoing divorce saga between Lisa Hochstein and her estranged husband Lenny Hochstein has reached a new level of acrimony, now centered around a dispute over household items.

Lisa Hochstein

Court documents obtained by Us Weekly on Thursday, June 6, reveal the latest contentious developments in their highly publicized separation.

Lenny, 57, has firmly denied Lisa’s claims that he refused to reimburse her moving expenses. Instead, he asserts that he simply requested proof of payment, which Lisa allegedly failed to provide.

Lisa Hochstein

“[Lisa’s] history of trying to ‘mislead’ [Lenny] on issues related to finances, it is a reasonable request to see proof of payment,” the court documents state, highlighting his concerns about financial transparency.

Lenny’s legal team has presented a detailed rebuttal against Lisa’s assertions, particularly challenging her actions regarding items removed from their shared home.

Lisa Hochstein

According to Lenny, Lisa, 41, took a $35,000 Fendi foyer table, numerous plants including a Christmas tree, and most of the artwork, leaving him with only a fraction of their original possessions.

These items, he claims, were part of the shared assets that should have been equitably divided.

Lenny Hochstein

Among the disputed items, Lenny specifically mentioned the removal of a waffle maker, an appliance he considers essential for his weekend tradition with their children.

His legal filings suggest that Lisa’s actions were aimed at disrupting these family routines, further intensifying the emotional strain on their children.

Lisa Hochstein

In response to these allegations, Lisa expressed her disappointment and sadness over the situation, stating, “Lenny’s actions continue to sadden me as they continue to hurt our children.”

Her remarks underscore the personal toll the divorce is taking on their family, particularly on their young children who are caught in the middle of their parents’ bitter dispute.

Lisa Hochstein

Lisa’s attorney, Jordan Davis Modavi, has also weighed in, condemning Lenny’s actions as “frivolous and baseless.”

He emphasized the unnecessary strain these legal battles impose on the children and called for a focus on peaceful co-parenting.

Lisa Hochstein

“It’s disheartening to see such frivolous claims being made, which only serve to further distress the children and complicate an already challenging situation,” Jordan stated.

This latest clash over household items adds another chapter to the ongoing divorce drama between Lisa and Lenny, who officially filed for divorce in May 2022 after 12 years of marriage.

Lisa Hochstein

Lisa confirmed she’s dating tech entrepreneur Jody Glidden in February 2023. Lenny Hochstein, on the other hand, got engaged to Katharina Mazepa in July 2023, almost a year after his separation from estranged wife Lisa Hochstein. 


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