Ralph Pittman Apologizes to Drew Sidora Amid Divorce

It’s hard not to feel some sympathy for Drew Sidora. The Real Housewives of Atlanta star has clearly been through a great deal in her divorce from Ralph Pittman. Even if only half of Drew’s claims in her filing were true, that would be a lot for one spouse to have to bear.

Despite the previous vitriol that Drew and Ralph seemed to have for each other, it would seem both parties are reaching a point where they can talk things out a bit more civilly. The divorce will certainly still go through, but neither party has to rush to the courthouse again.

And it’s better this way. Divorce is a minefield for everyone involved, especially children. So, if Drew and Ralph can work through the process as calmly as possible, everyone will be better off. Now, it seems Ralph might be at that point.

Is Ralph owning up to his mistakes?

In an exclusive statement to PEOPLE, Ralph tried to take accountability for his part in the divorce. “Although we know the real reason that ultimately led to my request for divorce, I’m taking this time to be more introspective and working to become the best version of myself.”

He reiterated that he still loves Drew “with all [his] heart,” and further explained why he felt the need to apologize. “I stand by my response to the petition however I sincerely apologize for my part in the deterioration of our relationship. As seasons change, I’m hopeful and optimistic for brighter days ahead.”

He also mentioned just how important his family was. “It is no secret that marriage is a challenging journey, one that is not for the faint of heart. My family means the world to me and I’ve dedicated myself to providing support, encouragement, and acting as a pillar of strength for my wife and children.”

Now, astute fans may know that Drew just recently made a very similar statement, expressing hope for her future relationship with Ralph for their kids’ sake. With the timing and wording of Ralph’s apology, it almost seems like a PR move. But if he’s being sincere, then more power to him.

Real Housewives of Atlanta continues Sundays at 8/7c on Bravo.


Drew gets the ladies together to film a music video, and Marlo gets taken out on a blind date.

Why Drew puts her children first.

What could it have been?

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