Sean Penn Hangs Out with Hunter Biden in Malibu Amid New Documentary – Jimmy Star’s World

Hunter Biden reportedly has a new documentary in the works all about his life — and now, it looks like Sean Penn has entered the chat … who’s a bit of a doc head himself these days.

The President’s embattled son — who’s in the middle of a criminal case right now, and who’ll be going to trial soon on gun-related charges — was photographed out in Malibu Thursday, cozying up next to none other than the Oscar winner … and they were chopping it up.

The pics were taken outside of Soho House, a social club there, and it looks like SP was enjoying a smoke while HB was trying to go somewhat incognito with shades and a hat.

As for why they were even hanging out in the first place … it’s anyone’s guess, but at face value — it would appear they’re friendly. The reason this pairing is also interesting lies in the fact that Hunter has been working on a documentary about himself for a good while now.

Reports dating back to January suggest has been quietly filming his life with some financial backing from a lawyer/film producer … and it’s all about clearing the air on his public image.

Of course, there’s been a lot of reporting on Hunter over the past few years or so — much of which has touched on his business affairs while Joe Biden was the VP, not to mention his own personal life and activities — and conservatives have invoked his name A LOT.

In light of news that Hunter’s filming himself in an effort to set the record straight about himself — him linking up with Sean could certainly mean they’re teaming up/collaborating.

As you may or may not know … Sean’s in the doc game lately — in fact, he made one about Volodymyr Zelensky and the Ukrainian war last year, and it was called “Superpower.”

He’s got another project in the works that’s all about murdered journalist Jamal Khashoggi — so, the fact he’s dabbling in political docs could certainly mean he’s working on Hunter’s.

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