Inside the Duke and Duchess’ anniversary plans

In Prince Harry news, the Duke and Meghan Markle are set to celebrate their sixth wedding anniversary this weekend.

Here’s an inside look at what they’re going to get up to to mark the occasion.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle waving at crowds on their wedding day
Harry and Meghan celebrate 6 years of marriage this week (Credit:

Prince Harry news: Duke and Meghan Markle’s plans for sixth anniversary revealed?

On May 19, 2018, Harry and Meghan tied the knot in a stunning ceremony at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle.

Six years on, and a lot has changed for the couple – now living in the US.

However, they will be keen to celebrate their anniversary – and former royal butler Grant Harrold has given some insight what they’ll be getting up.

Speaking to Fruity Slots, Grant speculated that the couple will be recreating their engagement dinner this weekend.

“I’m sure Harry and Meghan will be marking their wedding anniversary together. Celebrations will probably be behind closed doors, maybe a dinner party with some friends or maybe just the two of them,” he said.

Prince Harry and Meghan laughing
What will Harry and Meghan get up to? (Credit:

What will the Sussexes do for their anniversary?

Grant continued.

“Maybe they’ll recreate that roast chicken dinner they had on the night they got engaged at their cottage in Windsor. They will definitely do something to mark the moment, for sure,” he said.

The former royal butler then discussed the possibility of the Royal Family acknowledging Harry and Meghan’s anniversary.

“Typically, the Royal family do acknowledge wedding anniversaries, we usually see social media posts so it’ll be interesting to see if that happens this year,” he said.

“If they don’t, once again it goes to show the ongoing division. If it does happen, then I see that as an olive branch.”

Prince Harry pushing Prince Archie on a suitcase
Archie wants to visit his birth country (Credit: Netflix)

Prince Harry news: Prince Archie wants UK trip?

In other Sussex-related news, the couple’s son, Prince Archie, reportedly wants to visit the UK.

“Archie loves the idea that his grandad lives in a castle and Meghan was worried that a magnificent shepherd’s hut or similar extravagant present will only increase Archie’s growing interest in his royal connections. She doesn’t want Britain to become a longed-for fantasy for her son so she had been pushing Harry to insist that his father gets Archie a simple present,” a royal author told The Mirror.

“But Charles is desperate to show he cares and he wants to be an indulgent grandparent, partly because he has mellowed over the years and wants to makeup for what he sees as his neglect of his own sons,” he then continued.

“King Charles hasn’t seen his grandson Archie since 2022 and Archie really misses him many of Archie’s books are about kings, princesses and castles and he knows enough to know that his grandfather lives in a castle. He is apparently desperate to come to the UK with his father, but Meghan and Harry don’t want to encourage this.”

Read more: Meghan Markle’s potential plans to release tell-all memoir filling King Charles with ‘horror’

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