The Power Of Orgasm: Self-Actualize And Heal Through Sexual Expression

Sexologist Kim Anami advocates the transformative power of fully realized sexuality and connection with self.

You may have seen Kim Anami lifting weights with her vagina on YouTube. You may have attended one of her life-changing online salons. You may not have heard of her yet but she is the coach you never knew you needed. Determined to spread the word about the empowering effect of connected sexuality, Anami is a force for revolution. 

There are three steps to achieving success and happiness in every area of your life, and it starts in the bedroom … Anami talks us through the key stages of discovering your inner spark and lighting the flame of pure creative energy. 


“Some of the most well-f**ked times in my life have been when I was single. The only barrier is your own psychology and relationship to your body,” says Anami. Her videos recommend daily self-love to clients going through a difficult time. She believes most people are having ‘junk food sex’ which is short-term satisfying but not nourishing in the long-term, unlike ‘gourmet sex’ which feeds your being on a deeper level. This analogy applies to solo sex too!

Anami advises to set aside a good amount of time and dedicated space to masturbation. “I chant and meditate for ten minutes beforehand,” she says. “This gets me in the right mindset and relaxes my body so it knows it is safe to let go. Getting in a meditative state can really enhance the experience.”

The actual self-love should be personal and loving, rather than quick and dismissive. “Take your time with it and learn what you like. You are giving yourself a gift,” Anami says. “Then after you have brought yourself to orgasm, you will be shining and bursting with energy, ready to get going on creative projects or other work. It is better than a coffee break!”


Anami teaches her clients that emotional baggage and limiting beliefs can impede their flow of sexual energy unless these things are consciously addressed and healed. This could be anything from unresolved past issues to religious upbringing or internalized emotional blockages. Especially with women, there are strong unconscious forces that conflict with sexual desire and shame.

“There has been a deliberate effort over centuries to separate women from the power of their sexual energy and the intelligence and knowing of their own bodies,” Anami says. “My mission is to educate people about how it is possible for them to reclaim their power and energy through fully occupying their sexual selves.”

Through journaling and meditation, among other techniques, Anami guides her clients through their past or unconscious wounds, to find the locus of self-division and heal it. “I get permanent results because I’m not into using Band-Aids. I’m looking at the true sources of disconnection in women and helping them to rebuild,” she says.


“We are our own healers,” says Anami. “We can find that healing energy and potential literally at our fingertips, at our genitals. And when we learn how to tap into that energy, we can do anything!” Client testimonials (or ‘Love Letters’ as Anami sees them) are overflowing with stories of transformation and success that move her to tears. 

“My online salons provide profound tools for people to go deep within to excavate and alchemize their being,” the sexologist says. “As a result, this deeper change flows out into their lives. Once you’ve done the deep dive, you only go forward. This life-creating energy is in everyone, it is just a case of uncovering the layers that have obscured it. Each one of us can remove that shroud and tap into this true potential.”

Whether it’s recovering from low mood, chronic conditions, or a more material situation, Anami sees true change happen in her clients’ lives all the time. “People tell me ‘Money is just falling into my lap now!’ and I say ‘Of course! It is coming from your lap in the first place!’” Connecting to the primal life force energy within allows that generative, creative vibe to flow in all areas.

It may not be an easy journey but if the life you want is just waiting for you to claim it, the deep dive will be worthwhile!

To explore the online salons, check out Kim Anami’s website. You can also follow her on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook

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